Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to all clarifications provided by PPA, in relation to the “Call of Tender for the repair of two (2) entrance steel gates of Vasiliadi Coast Dry Docks”.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website, in order to be promptly informed about the above mentioned tender.

Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to the clarifications published provided by PPA, in relation to the subject tender. The deadline for the offers submission is extended until 17.07.2020.

Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to the clarifications published provided by PPA, in relation to the subject tender. The offer submission deadline is extended until 23 July 2020.

Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to all clarifications published provided by PPA, in relation to the subject tender.

Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to all clarifications published provided by PPA, in relation to the subject tender.

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. is interested in proceeding with the Procurement of Filters for the needs of Terminal Tractors Terberg YT 182 in accordance with the attached technical description, general terms & remarks. Interested parties are invited to submit their offer by email until 14 July 2020 at 16:00 

Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to all clarifications published until 3rd July 2020 provided by PPA, in relation to the “Call for Tenders regarding the procurement of Gantry wheels and shafts for Rail Mounted Gantry (RMG) Cranes.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed about the above mentioned tender.

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. is interested in proceeding with the procurement and installation of CCTV cameras with necessary auxiliaries in PPA Military Dock Area. Interested parties are invited to submit their interest in writing, until 7th of July 2020, at 09:00 hours and will have to sign an NDA agreement until 8th of July 2020. The parties that will submit their interest at this stage will receive – if eligible - more information and data, in order to be able to submit their offers, until 13th of July 2020 and at 16:00 hours. Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed about the above mentioned tender.

Δευκρινίσεις σχετικά με τον διαγωνισμό "Προμήθεια αναλωσίμων ειδών για εκτυπωτές, φωτοαντιγραφικά μηχανήματα και φαξ του ΟΛΠ ΑΕ". Παρακαλούμε όπως επισκέπτεσθε συχνά την ιστοσελίδα του ΟΛΠ, για να λάβετε γνώση και τυχόν άλλων διευκρινίσεων που έχουν εκδοθεί για άλλα ζητήματα του διαγωνισμού.


Συνημμένα παρέχεται το κείμενο της διακήρυξης του διαγωνισμού επισκευής των δύο θυροπλοίων εισόδου των Μονίμων Δεξαμενών Βασιλειάδη και στα Ελληνικά για λόγους αναφοράς .