
13 Αυγ 2020 - 12:08

Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to all clarifications provided by PPA, in relation to the tender for the construction of the project: «Improvement of Infrastructure of Ship Repair Zone (Including Floating Docks)», within the framework of Mandatory Enhancement ΜΕ 11B”.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website, in order to be promptly informed about the above mentioned tender.

12 Αυγ 2020 - 01:08

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. approved a tender procedure (single stage) regarding the construction of the project: «Improvement of Infrastructure of Ship Repair Zone (Including Floating Docks)», within the framework of Mandatory Enhancement ΜΕ 11B.

Interested parties are invited to submit their offer in writing, until Friday, 4 September 2020, at 14:00 , as follows:

  1. by appearing in person at the office number 212 (Procurement Department) at the following address:

Piraeus Port Authority S.A.

Procurement Department

10, Akti Miaouli, 185 38, Piraeus

  1. by post at the previously mentioned address

with the indication: Offer for the «Improvement of Infrastructure of Ship Repair Zone (Including Floating Docks)», within the framework of Mandatory Enhancement ΜΕ 11B.

10 Αυγ 2020 - 04:08

Ο Οργανισμός ΛιμένοςΠειραιώς Α.Ε. προκηρύσσει διαγωνισμό για την ανάδειξη αναδόχου κατασκευής του έργου: « Βελτίωση Υποδομών Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής Ζώνης (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των πλωτών δεξαμενών)», στο πλαίσιο της Υποχρεωτικής Επένδυσης ME 11B.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι καλούνται να υποβάλλουν τις προσφορές του, σε κλειστό φάκελο, μέχρι και την Παρασκευή 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020 και ώρα 14:00, στο πρωτόκολλο του ΟΛΠ ως εξής :

Α) αυτοπρόσωπα στο γραφείο 212 στην ακόλουθη διεύθυνση:

Οργανισμός Λιμένος Πειραιώς Α.Ε.

Τμήμα Προμηθειών

Ακτή Μιαούλη 10, 185 38, Πειραιάς ή

Β) ταχυδρομικώς στην παραπάνω διεύθυνση

με την ένδειξη : Προσφορά για την κατασκευή του έργου «Βελτίωση Υποδομών Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής Ζώνης (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των πλωτών δεξαμενών)» , στο πλαίσιο της Υποχρεωτικής Επένδυσης ME 11B.

10 Αυγ 2020 - 04:08

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. approved a tender procedure (single stage) regarding the construction of the project: «Improvement of Infrastructure of Ship Repair Zone (Including Floating Docks)», within the framework of Mandatory Enhancement ΜΕ 11B.

Interested parties are invited to submit their offer in writing, until Friday, 4 September 2020, at 14:00 , as follows:

  1. by appearing in person at the office number 212 (Procurement Department) at the following address:

Piraeus Port Authority S.A.

Procurement Department

10, Akti Miaouli, 185 38, Piraeus

  1. by post at the previously mentioned address

with the indication: Offer for the «Improvement of Infrastructure of Ship Repair Zone (Including Floating Docks)», within the framework of Mandatory Enhancement ΜΕ 11B.

23 Ιουν 2020 - 01:06

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces a tender for the project: “ Exterior Lighting installation on the 4-storey & 5-storey building at Gate E2”.

Interested parties are invited to submit their offer, until 3rd July 2020, 16:00, as the attached invitation.

Award criterion shall be the lowest price, provided that the offer meets the participation and technical requirements, as described in the tender.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed

16 Ιουν 2020 - 09:06

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces a tender for the project: « Infrastructure and wiring for nine (9) cameras at Container Terminal area”.

Award criterion shall be the lowest price, provided that the offer meets the participation and technical requirements, as described in the tender.

Interested parties are invited to submit their offer, until 25th June   2020, 16:00, as the attached invitation.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed

16 Ιουν 2020 - 09:06

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces a tender for the project: « Installation of two (2) Lighting Pylons at Pier I Container Terminal ”.

Award criterion shall be the lowest price, provided that the offer meets the participation and technical requirements, as described in the tender.

Interested parties are invited to submit their offer, until 19th June   2020, 16:00, as the attached invitation.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed

15 Ιουν 2020 - 04:06

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces that the Tender for the project: « Installation of two (2) Lighting Pylons at Pier I Container Terminal ”. is cancelled due to technical reasons and will be repeated in due time.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed about the above mentioned tender.

10 Ιουν 2020 - 10:06

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces a tender for the project: « Infrastructure for the replacement of the main telephone cable at Perama”, according to the attached technical specifications.

Interested parties are invited to submit their offer, until 19th June   2020, 16:00, as the attached invitation.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed

02 Ιουν 2020 - 11:06

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces a tender for the project:"Renovation and reformation works at offices at the Cruise Terminal ''Miaoulis" for the relocation of the Port Authority's and the Foreign Police's offices", according to the attached technical specifications.

Award criterion shall be the lowest price, provided that the offer meets the participation and technical requirements, as described in the tender.

Interested parties are invited to submit their offer (alternative/second offers are excluded) until 12th June 2020, at 16:00. Offer submission will be completely electronically through email as the attached invitation.

Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed