Project Data |
Project title: Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly Programme: H2020-EU.3.7. - Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Topic: SU-BES02-2018-2019-2020 - Technologies to enhance border and external security Contract Number:833704 EC funding: € 1 173 825,00 Duration: 1 September 2019 - 31 August 2022 Project Coordinator: Armin Reuter, Veridos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) PPA contacts: Mr. Dimitris Spyrou (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Mrs Stamatia Tzevelekou (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) PPA budget:111.125,00 Euros (100% financed by Horizon 2020) |
D4FLY is a research and innovation project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme “Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens”. The project focuses on enhancing the quality and efficiency of identity verification at border crossings in all modalities: land, air, and sea by providing faster and more secure border control solutions. The main D4FLY research topics include:
The D4FLY concept |
The overall D4FLY concept is to identify, reduce and avoid vulnerabilities in the identity lifecycle of modern border management, thereby strengthening European Smart Borders against serious and organized crime. It does this by exploring, developing and validating new technologies for identity and document verification – including biometrics-on-the-fly, and even explores how this could work in risk-based border management concepts. D4FLY will also create a resilient document verification system that can verify a multitude of physical and electronic security features (e.g., Kinegrams®, MLIs, CLIs), detect complex forms of electronic fraud and advanced morphing, and identify fraud in breeder documents. The potential benefit of blockchain technology in identity verification will also be investigated. All our tools and solutions will be validated against European societal values, fundamental rights, ethics, privacy, data protection and applicable legislation. |
The D4FLY objectives |
Short term Objective 1 – To identify existing or possible future fraud methods in regard to travel documents and identity. Objective 2 – To create new technologies in automated document fraud, face morphing and impostor attack detection to overcome the limitations of current document readers and corresponding software in automated and non-automated border control scenarios. Objective 3 – To enable new technologies in unobtrusive person identification that improve the recognition of travellers on-the-move as well as known suspects giving special focus on applicability to the given infrastructure. Medium – long term Objective 4 – To produce evidence-based knowledge on document fraud and biometrics on the fly in compliance with European societal values, fundamental rights and applicable legislation, supported by end users by applying agile methodologies and developing demonstrators in different border control scenarios, inspired by privacy- and security by design. Objective 5 – To provide a cost-benefit analysis and plan for the take up of the project results after the completion of the project, having first established the legal and social propriety of such initiatives. This will give the legislative initiative in the “Smart Borders” package, European border and law-enforcement agencies, European technology suppliers a perspective for their respective further development. |
Netherlands Solutions for enhanced document checks, focusing on breeder documents verification at document issuance centers and enhanced document verification with face morphing detection at BCPs. Greece BCP and biometrics on-the-move identification solutions addressing bottleneck issues of high-volume of passengers travelling by cruise ships. Lithuania Solutions for land border checks offering advanced document verification and assisting impostor fraud detection. UK Document & identity verification solutions for no-fixed post checks for coach travelers. Highly automated on-the-move border control solutions for addressing delay in checking high volumes of travelers arriving by train. D4FLY TEST SCENARIOS |
Piraeus Port field test |
Scenario 2a : A highly automated border post with a high volumes of travellers arriving in waves Challenges: A large flow of disembarking passengers creates bottlenecks and delays in the control procedures at BCPs. Due to resources and time restrictions to cover the large amount of passengers’ traffic, it is not feasible to perform all border controls to all cruise passengers. Incidents with travellers trying to embark in Piraeus Port with counterfeit travel documents have been identified both by the Border Control and the cruise operators. Scope: To identify and notify any potential threats of travellers with stolen or false travel documents. To identify individuals on-the-move that are considered threat to EU security, by applying biometric techniques. Approach & Processes: Travel documents will be scanned and validated automatically. Multimodal Criminal Biometric Database: A multimodal biometric dataset of known criminals is recruited by the border guard authorities. Expected impact: Increased capabilities to capture travellers with counterfeit documents and known criminals trying to enter EU. Higher security and more effective analysis of travel by obtaining higher accuracy in detecting impostor fraud. Faster verification and authentication for the travellers stimulating minimal invasive flow.
The project consortium is formed by 19 partners from 11 European countries including universities, SMEs, research institutes and border control authorities. |
VIDEOS Two videos are available to present, explain and promote the D4FLY activities 1. The project video is presented below and it is available on
2. The video dedicated to PPA field test activities is presented below
G7 Subject Matter Experts Meeting on Photo-Morphing
On May 10th 2022, D4FLY, represented by Armin Reuter (Veridos), participated in a G7 Subject Matter Experts Meeting on Face Morphing, organized by the Canadian Government.
Final D4FLY documents demonstration in The Netherlands The third Netherlands field test and final documents demonstration was held in April 2022. A targeted group of more than 100 persons attended in a hybrid meeting, and the capabilities of four demonstrators were shown related to the analysis of travel documents and breeder documents.
D4FLY field tests in International Cruise Ship Terminal in Piraeus Port in Greece On 21st – 25th of February 2022, the D4FLY team successfully organised and completed the Greek Field Test in the International Cruise Ship Terminal in Piraeus Port in Greece, testing and demonstrating in real environment its identity verification solution for a highly automated on-the-move border control solution for travelers arriving by cruise vessels
D4FLY Field Test successfully took place at the Lithuanian land border On 2-4 August 2021, a field test of D4FLY innovative tools was conducted at one of the Lithuanian land border control points.
CEPOL: D4FLY project presentation- Document Fraud and Morphed Face images D4FLY was invited to present the project and focus topics in a webinar organized by CEPOL in the frame of their trainings series. The webinar was held successfully on the 8th of April 2021.
D4FLY participated at FRONTEX EXP DOC meeting D4FLY project was invited by the Frontex Centre of Excellence for combating Document Fraud (CED) to present an overview of its current achievements at the EXP DOC 2nd Plenary Meeting held on 16th of February 2021.
NEWSLETTERS Four Newsletters inform the public about D4FLY activities and progress. ( For more information, please visit the site