A meeting took place at PPA SA with a delegation of Members of Parliament of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Ambassador.


Press Release


The PPA SA President and CEO Mr. George Anomeritis, the Deputy Director Mr. P. Petroulis, the General Manager Mr. St. Chatzakos, the Cruise Manager Mr. T. Tsitouras and staffers of the Authority met today at PPA SA with a large delegation of Members of Parliament of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Ambassador.
The main interest of the delegation focused on the development process and growth of the Port of Piraeus and the potential exchange of expertise and experience in the field of port policy between the main ports of the two countries.
Particular interest was shown in the activation of the car-terminal and the combination of transporting vehicles and equipment via train to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe through Piraeus, a topic on which specific negotiations and exchanges of visits will take place until autumn, mediated with the Korean Embassy in Athens.
The issue of activation of the PPA car-terminal, which is the largest in the eastern Mediterranean after the recent expansion of its facilities, restructuring of its operation and interconnection network through OSE and TRAINOSE is the important new development tool of PPA SA port services.