Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Piraeus 20/12/2014

Press Release

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting

With the participation of 82.69% of shareholders, completed the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of PPA SA, which took place at  the headquarters of the company.
The Extraordinary General Meeting convened with only issue "Capitalisation or distribution and taxation of special reserves in accordance with L. 4172 / 2013" accepted the recommendation of its Chairman Yiorgos Anomeritis, which had approved and the Board of Directors, whereby the remaining amount of reserves totalling 6,087,915.56 euros will become a reserve with the description "taxed reserves par.12, Article 72 L.4172 / 2013".
As stated in a shareholder's question Mr. Yiorgos Anomeritis, "the Cash of the company in 2014 will exceed 50 million euros”.
The HRADF, which gave a positive vote on the Recommendation of the Chairman and of the company BoD, represented by Mr. Ath. Liagos.