The first cruise ship of 2016, "Costa Neoclassica",welcomed the management of PPA SA in the port of Piraeus

Piraeus, 02.01.2016

                                                           PRESS RELEASE
 The first cruise ship of 2016, "Costa Neoclassica", welcomed today Saturday, January 2, the management of PPA SA in the port of Piraeus, handing the master cpt. Mario Moretta the commemorative plaque of the port, books for him and the library on board and Christmas sweets for the passengers. 

"Costa NeoClassica" with 1680 passengers and 900 crew members of the Italian company Costa, which has 53 scheduled arrivals for 2016 instead of 37 in 2015, visits and the winter period the port of Piraeus. 

As stated General Director of PPA Mr. Stavros Hatzakos: “Piraeus Port Authority S.A. will firmly maintain the tariffs for the fifth consecutive year the cruise in 2016, which will be an important year for the cruise because of new partnerships and the reception of Carnival Vista, which in June launched the development of homeporting on a new basis of large numbers. It will also participate in the Miami Seatrade, the largest cruise fair in the world and in the international exhibition Posidonia in Greece (June 2016). "