On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, the PPA S.A. provided gift-vouchers to the employees’ children of the neighboring Municipalities and food to socially vulnerable groups.

Piraeus, 28.12.2016
On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, the PPA S.A. in the framework of CSR, provided gift-vouchers to the employees’ children of the neighboring Municipalities of Piraeus and Perama and food to socially vulnerable groups of the broader region.
Like every year, the PPA Management organized a Christmas party for employees' children and a special awards ceremony for the excellent pupils and students.
The PPA CEO, Captain Fu Chengqiu, addressed greetings for the Christmas holidays and congratulated the children who excelled. Then, speaking from the heart, he was mentioned to the children raising in the Chinese culture. He asked the children what it means "I've grown?" And he replied that, in his view, this means that a child begins to understand the effort of his parents, wants to help and offer to his family, to the society and to his country. He also begins to understand how important it is to learn to forgive, to offer and to contribute to the overall effort of its country. He continued: "Your grandparents and your parents have contributed to the building of this big port and you, who are the new generation and the future, should continue this effort." The PPA, recognizing the children’s efforts and the importance of their success, will assist them in their work.