A visit - tour at Perama Ship Repair Zone took place today

Piraeus, 30.06.2017
A visit - tour at Perama Ship Repair Zone took place today
In the presence of Mr. P. Kouroumplis, Minister of Shipping and Insular Policy, Mr. S. Pitsiorlas, Deputy Minister of Economy and Development, the Mayor of Perama, Mr. I. Lagoudakis, the Secretary General Mr. Ch. Lampridis, Mr. I. Angelopoulos, Chairman of Regulatory Authority for Ports (RAL), Piraeus Members of Parliament, took place today Friday, June 30 2017 at Perama Ship Repair Zone, an informative meeting of the shipping industry unions and associations, on the occasion of the dock maintenance works completion and in view of the arrival of a new floating dock in November 2017.  
Capt. Fu, opening the event, mentioned that the investments provided by the concession agreement begin from the ship repair sector. The new dock that will arrive by the end of the year will create new jobs and working positions. In this effort, we shall have the support of the government and local authorities.
The Minister of Shipping and Insular Policy, Mr. P. Kouroumplis, noted that the completion of the docks extensive repairs lay the foundation for the ship repair sector efforts, which will contribute to the country's development and highlighted that "the Ministry is open for a mutual understanding and cooperation between the Greek State and COSCO SHIPPING. We are prepared to contribute to the solution of problems that arise during efforts of COSCO SHIPPING's investments development at the port but also determined to defend the interests of the Greek government. The leadership of the Ministry of Shipping & Insular Policy aims at the development of the port as a major shipping center".
Mr. Pitsiorlas, Deputy Minister of Economy and Development, addressed to Captain Fu and expressed his gratitude for the consistency and cooperation in the plan implementation, stating that: "We believe that Piraeus opens the road of development in Greece. In our country’s history, wealth has come mainly from the sea and we aim to make it happen again. We believe that by working together we can do something really great, to emerge Piraeus as the largest port in the Mediterranean, one of the largest ones in the world, to revive ship repair and also the building of new big boats".
The Mayor of Perama Mr. I. Lagoudakis stated among others that the rapid implementation of the already planned investments is an immediate necessity and stressed that it will bring new jobs to the city that needs it and will contribute significantly to the growth of the Greek economy.
He also thanked Minister of Shipping Mr. Kouroumplis, Deputy Minister of Economy and Development Mr. Pitsiorlas, Capt. Fu, the Deputy CEO of PPA SA Mr. Angelos Karakostas as well as the Executive Management Consultant and Member of PPA BoD Mr. Thanassis Liagkos for the good, clear cooperation they had and have over the years and noted that the implementation of the concession agreement can have significant benefits through the investments for the city of Perama, which hosts most of the port's activities.