Visit of the Athens Stock Exchange Management to PPA

Piraeus, 07.07.2017
Visit of the Athens Stock Exchange Management to PPA
The Management of Hellenic Exchanges - Athens Stock Exchange SA Holdings (ATHEX) headed by the Chairman Mr. Iakovos Georganas, the Vice – Chairman & CEO Mr. Socrates Lazaridis, the Chief Operating Officer Mr. Dimitris Karaiskakis and the Deputy Chief Operating Officer Mr. Nikos Porphiris, visited the PPA SA headquarters and had an informational meeting with the CEO Capt. Fu Chengqiu, the Executive Management Consultants & BoD Members Mr. Athanasios Liagkos, Mr. Ioannis Kouvaris in the  presence of executives from both companies.
  During the meeting, constructive exchanges of views took place and were presented the opportunities and possibilities arising by the participation of PPA SA in the Athens Stock Exchange as well as the importance of further development of the company as an example of attracting investment funds in Greece.
It followed a tour at the Piraeus port facilities and discussion about the great development prospects and the progress of the company's investment plan.
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Photo (L-R) : Mr. Nikos Porphiris (ATHEX Deputy Chief Operating Officer) Mr. Dimitris Karaiskakis (ATHEX Chief Operating Officer), Mr. Iakovos Georganas (ATHEX Chairman), Capt. Fu Chengqiu (CEO of PPA SA), Mr. Socrates Lazaridis (ATHEX Vice-Chairman & CEO) Mr. Liagkos Athanasios (PPA SA Executive Management Consultant and Member of the BoD), Mr. Ioannis Kouvaris (PPA SA Executive Management Consultant and Member of the BoD).