Interested parties are kindly requested to refer to all clarifications provided by PPA, in relation to the “Repair of Floating Dock PIRAEUS II” . Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed about the above mentioned tender.
Please be informed that regarding the above mentioned tender, an extension for the submission of offers has been granted, i.e. until 19th April 2019, , 15:30 Greek time.
Companies that have already submitted an offer may, if they want, to be returned.
Please visit regularly PPA SA website in order to be promptly informed about the above mentioned tender.
Piraeus Port Authority’s intention is the award of procurement of the IT Equipment Replacement Program (First Period – Network Equipment).
This Call for Tenders is available at the Procurement Department of PPA (10, Akti Miaouli, 185 38, Piraeus, Greece) during working days and hours. Therefore, Interested Parties may also receive (if they wish) a hard copy of the Call for Tenders, until 7 days (included), prior to the expiry of the time limit for the submission of offers, from the above department.
Interested Parties may receive additional information or clarifications in relation to this call for Tender, by submitting questions up to 10 days (included) prior to the expiry of the time limit for the submission of Offers in writing to the Technical Department of PPA by fax at +30 2104550187 or by e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After the lapse of the above time limit no other communication or request for clarification as to any terms of the Call may be acceptable. Written responses by PPA S.A. are notified to all Interested Parties until two (2) working days prior to the expiry of the time limit for the submission of Offers.
The competent employee to provide further information in relation to the submission process is Mr. Pantelis Kazatzis, tel.: +30 210 4550 203, fax: +30 210 4550 187, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Candidates are not allowed to refer to verbal responses or verbal clarifications by PPA S.A. Offer submission deadline is 4th August 2017, 15:00.