Press Releases

In response to comment made in the press, PPA as a Societe Anonyme listed on the Athens Stock Exchange notifies that, has no debt to the government, the  National Insunce Contribution (IKA) and other insurance funds.
Press Release The Board of PPA SA approved the contract and contractual documents for the award of the project “Underground road, linking the commercial port at the car-terminal N.Ikonio with the adjacent site of the former ODDY, 75.000 m2, estimated at 50.707 Euros plus VAT”.The aim of the project is to utilize investments of this space in order to expand the car-terminal or for logistics work.
Press Release 1. German MPs delegation visited the PPA, which together with their partners visited the facilities for passengers and commercial port of Piraeus.The Delegation Members met with the President of the PPA Mr. George Anomeritis and General Manager Mr. St. Chatzakos with whom they discussed issues for the strategic development of the port, but also for the role of the Greek port system in the Greek economy.
Press Release By decision of the Directorate Council of PPA SA eighteen (18) inactive and abandoned ships are tendered or re-tendered, since they have been left for a long time in the Perama area and the Abelakia Bay.The sale of these ships will be open to a competitive bidding process, based on the amounts set by the inspection report issued by the assessment firm.
At a meeting held in the municipality of Piraeus on the issue of European Maritime Day 2015, the year in which Piraeus and the port are the honorees, attended by Commissioner Mrs M. Damanaki, Minister of Marine and the Aegean Mr. M. Varvitsiotis, Deputy Head of the Prefect Mr. S. Christou and representatives of other bodies, the President and CEO of PPA SA Mr. George Anomeritis submitted to the Mayor of Piraeus Mr. B. Michaloliakos, a precise recommendation, whose main…
In the context of the agreement between PPA and PCT SA to build the Western Pier III and additional works, the two sides with ultimate responsibility continue their negotiations on technical and substantive points of a "Draft Agreement of the amicable settlement."
MedCruise (the Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports) and through it the PPA SA, is participating this year, for the first time, in the Cruise Shipping Asia Pacific exhibition, which takes place in Singapore from the 8th till the 10th October 2013. MedCruise President and General Manager of PPA SA, Mr. Stavros Chatzakos, and the Secretary General of MedCruise, Mr. Thanos Pallis , who lead the 12-member MedCruise delegation from five countries (Spain, France , Italy , Slovenia, Greece), will represent…
1. PPA SA participated in the Seatrade Europe conference which took place in Hamburg, Germany and in the International Cruise Exhibition, led by the General Director of the company Mr. Stavros Chatzakos, who was keynote speaker at the Cruise Conference. In the exhibition 250 exhibitors from 50 countries participated, along with 270 Cruise members, who decide on the strategies of the industry, and 4.000 attendants.
On October 17th 2013, the third Cruise Workshop themed “Cruise 2014” will be held, which is annually organized by the Hellenic Ports Association (Elime) and PPA SA.
The joint effort of the Greek National Opera and the PPA to create a cultural event in the land area of the port was a complete success. An event which will continue throughout the winter at the International Passenger Terminal “Themistocles” and at the Stone Warehouse at the “Pericles” Coast, Drapetsona.